I want to be a hot mom. I don't mean skinny, let's get that straight. I don't care about numbers on a scale. I also don't mean I want to look good for someone that has three kids. I want to get rid of that "for someone that has three kids" qualifier. I mean I want to be HOT. I want to be sleek and strong and fast. I want my husband's jaw to drop when I get dolled up for a night out without the kids. I want to be the kind of woman that other people look at and think, "Wow, she must work out." I don't want to jiggle, I want to strut! I already know that my body is capable of amazing feats. I have grown babies and birthed them all by myself. So now, I want to be the best ME I can be.
Just to clarify, I am not completely shallow. I also want to be able to keep up with my active boys, and set a great example for them, too. But most of all, I want to do this for me.
When we found out we were moving to Jacksonville for a few months before heading to Japan, I immediately thought I should push back my goal. I surely wouldn't be able to achieve hot mom status with our life so much up in the air. I knew it was just an excuse, but then I reminded myself that I looked pretty good for having three kids. I was walking Sammy to school a few days a week (a little over a mile round trip), so I was exercising, right? I pretty much talked myself out of my goal.
Then I started reconnecting with Jacksonville friends. I saw that they were all going to a class called Stroller Strength, and they were definitely hot moms. After Gabriel (baby #2) was born, I went to a similar class called StrollerFit and got in pretty good shape, so I was intrigued. Then I found out that there was an eight week fitness challenge through Stroller Strength that my friends were doing. I thought that this was the perfect motivator to get me to work out twice a week to give me that little push I needed, and the timing was perfect.
That challenge started four weeks ago, and it has been lifestyle-changing. This class is no joke, and it's much more involved than a simple stroller workout twice a week. Here's a picture of our leader, Joan Dandeneau.
Yeah, she is hardcore to the core. I should also mention that she has three kids who are not much older than mine. Just the sight of this ultimate hot mom made me want to quit before I started. I went to the registration and discovered that this was serious business, much more than an exercise class. This was Biggest Loser meets bootcamp. Here's how it works. All the moms are put into teams. On Day 1, we would be weighed-in, measured, and then complete various fitness tests that we would re-test at the halfway and final testing days. Clean eating would be emphasized and encouraged throughout the challenge, meaning you eat whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible. You are also supposed to focus on eating 6 small meals a day. Each member logs their food intake and exercise each day on a spreadsheet that the whole team shares. Stop. Hold the phone. That piece of the challenge really bugged me. I couldn't do this! Everyone was going to see how much I shovel into my mouth, and they were about to find out just how lazy I am?? There was something about prizes for teams and individuals at the end, but I couldn't get past the team logs part to really care about that.
Yeah, she is hardcore to the core. I should also mention that she has three kids who are not much older than mine. Just the sight of this ultimate hot mom made me want to quit before I started. I went to the registration and discovered that this was serious business, much more than an exercise class. This was Biggest Loser meets bootcamp. Here's how it works. All the moms are put into teams. On Day 1, we would be weighed-in, measured, and then complete various fitness tests that we would re-test at the halfway and final testing days. Clean eating would be emphasized and encouraged throughout the challenge, meaning you eat whole, unprocessed foods as much as possible. You are also supposed to focus on eating 6 small meals a day. Each member logs their food intake and exercise each day on a spreadsheet that the whole team shares. Stop. Hold the phone. That piece of the challenge really bugged me. I couldn't do this! Everyone was going to see how much I shovel into my mouth, and they were about to find out just how lazy I am?? There was something about prizes for teams and individuals at the end, but I couldn't get past the team logs part to really care about that.
Something in me decided to suck it up and try it out. I went to the first day and was pretty disappointed to find out just how out of shape I was. I just about died trying to keep up with the other moms, who were definitely hotties. They were fast and strong and amazing to watch. They were exactly what I wanted to be!
I continued going to class twice a week, which is at least an hour and a half of very intense cardio and strength training. We run. A lot. Then we run some more, but this time we include lunges with weights and push ups and other really hard things in between laps. I'm dead by the end of the warm up, but I know I need it. I look around at the hot moms I'm working out with, and I make myself keep going so that someday I can look like them.
I've even added a few extra workouts on my own during the week, mostly running a mile or two and doing some strength training with dumbbells. If you know me at all, you probably think I'm lying here. I don't run unless I'm being chased, and even then I hate it. I swear that this time it's true. I'm working out because I want to, and I want to be sure I keep up with my team.
I have also drastically changed how I eat. I like this clean eating stuff! I've been trying to eat organically for the last few years, but I've really cut out the amount of processed food and chemicals I've been eating. Yes, the cupcake demon is still alive and well inside me, screaming at me to eat cookies and brownies and french fries. I have been able to resist for the most part, and I've cleaned up my recipes. And when this challenge is over, I'll allow a splurge here or there. In the meantime, it feels so good to write that in my logs for my team to see and comment on.
Joan is a brilliant lady. Her idea of putting us on teams and working so closely with them is genius. I was afraid of this part of the challenge, but it is now my favorite aspect of it. Being part of a team makes all the difference by holding me accountable and motivating me at the same time. I saw great results at the halfway point, both in my measurements and on the fitness tests, and it feels amazing. I look forward to testing again in a month.
I think I can safely say that when I set the goal of becoming a hot mom, I had no intention of actually meeting it. I would never have pushed myself out of my comfort zone and off of my couch without this class. Now I know that by the time the big 3-0 rolls around in January, I'll be a hot mom. I'm already on my way. So watch out, Japan, hope you're ready for me!!
To learn more about Joan and Stroller Strength, click here.
For great clean eating recipes and ideas, check out this blog.